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JAGS+ Conservation Assured Jaguar Standards

The vision of implementing the Conservation Assured Jaguar Standards (JAGS+) is to contribute to jaguar conservation across the species’ distribution range. The goals of JAGS+ include effectively conserving jaguar habitats, ensuring they are well-managed, ecologically connected, and functional, to maintain, secure and recover viable jaguar populations. Additionally, JAGS+ aims to demonstrate and promote best practices in conservation management and sustainable development across the jaguar range.


JAGS+ has three objectives. The first objective is to develop expert-led standards, criteria, and accreditation processes for JAGS+ by 2020 that are scientifically relevant, credible, and linked with other associated conservation standards and objectives. The second objective is to register the world’s most important jaguar sites by 2023 and develop programs that can mobilize support and build capacity for site managers to meet the JAGS+ standards. The third objective is to establish linkages with global conservation agencies, government agencies/institutions to build capacity, mobilize resources and promote best practices.

JAGS+ has three targets to achieve by 2030. The first target is to have # countries in the jaguar range actively involved in JAGS+. The second target is to have more than # areas important for jaguar conservation in the 2030 Roadmap landscapes JAGS+ Approved. The third target is to have more than # areas important for jaguar conservation in the 2030 Roadmap landscapes JAGS+ Registered. These targets aim to make a substantial contribution to achieving jaguar conservation across the distribution range.